St Mary & St Peter,
Hampden Park

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8. 12
St Mary's Clock Fund


It was 70 years ago in 1953 that the new church building of St Mary's was consecrated by Bishop George Bell to replace the previous building that was destroyed by wartime bombing.
The parish's first vicar, the reverend Donald Carpenter, served until his death 50 years ago. Donald was a much loved and well respected clergyman who baptised, married and buried many of Hampden Parks residents over his long tenure.
After his death a clock was installed in his memory and has reached a point where the clock face is in desperate need of attention.
We would like to raise funds from local people in Hampden Park, some of whom will still remember Donald fondly, to help restore the clock face to it's former glory. In doing so we will give thanks for both the building that Donald loved and the life of Donald himself who was loved by so many.
Should you wish to donate a cheque, marked 'Clock Fund' on the reverse, can be made payable to 'Hampden Park and the Hydneye PCC' and sent c/o the treasurer to Parish Office, 69 Decoy Drive, Eastbourne, BN20 9PP.
Payment can also be made by BACS, with the reference 'Clock Fund' to:
A/C name: Hampden Park and the Hydneye PCC
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00034758
If you have any questions about making a donation you can speak to the PCC treasurer, Mr Tony Kemp, on 07867 893628
In the event that the total amount of money raised does not reach the target to restore the clock face, or any amount that exceeds the target, then these monies will be incorporated into the PCCs general church fund.